What gives you purpose? Do you have a set of values and beliefs that lay the foundation for your own spiritual wellbeing? It’s important to ask ourselves if our values guide our decisions and actions. Sometimes in the rush of the days, weeks, months (and before we know it), years, we lose sight of making meaning and purpose in our existence. It is easy to do with all the distractors and material things around us that keep our precious time occupied. If we are not careful, we may just find ourselves in spiritual poverty and out of balance. I have been there, have you?
Spiritual wellness is deeply personal and just how we get there (or make improvements to this dimension if we are already there) varies from person to person. Don’t we all want a little harmony in our lives? It’s important for each of us to explore and assess our own spiritual wellness. So how DO we seek meaning and purpose in our existence? Here are a few ideas that might help us find happiness and a sense of fulfillment:
1. Meditation. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about how their journey into meditation has been positive and has offered them peace and balance. A friend recently led a group I am part of through meditation for 20 minutes. We had the benefit of the sound of the ocean around us. As one who’s mind is constantly thinking and overworking, I was surprised at how quickly and easily I was able to quiet my mind. I would invite you to find a way to explore the limits of your own mind. Find the right location and background noise. Perhaps the ocean, music, or even silence. 10-20 minutes, twice a day is ideal. Check out the book, The Way of Unknowing, by John Main for his thoughts on meditation.
2. Being alone. What better way to declutter your mind and ponder the meaning of life. Take time for yourself every day. YOU are important so spend some meaningful time on yourself. A friend and I used to joke around about having a meeting with ourselves – call it whatever you want, but make sure you pencil in time for yourself every day.
3. Yoga. Goodness, there are so many types of yoga out there (mindful yoga, bliss yoga, hot yoga). While I have not personally made this a habit (yet), I have many friends who find it helps them in their quest for spiritual wellness. It’s a great way to care for the entire body.
4. Reflection. During your alone time, you may wish to reflect through writing or just reflect on your thoughts. Whichever works for you, think intentionally about your own purpose and how you fit into the meaning of life.
5. Religion. Prayer is an excellent way to work on your spiritual wellness. If you are part of organized religion, connect with your church family. I’ve learned a lot about prayer from many people at the church I attend. Finding comfort and understanding through teachings of faith is an excellent pathway to spiritual wellness.
6. Surroundings. Where will you work on your spiritual wellness? There are so many possibilities! We have the world and nature at our fingertips. The ocean is a wonderful place and works for me. I am particularly fond of early mornings or when the sun is setting. Even a cup of coffee on the front porch to watch the sun rise may work for you.
7. Positivity. Try to avoid the art of complaining, blame, making excuses or gossip. Think before you speak. Set the example for others and watch it rub off. Both you and they will feel better. Be kind to others and show compassion. Be open to all kinds of experiences, good and bad. Pain and sorrow are a part of life and both can offer us a positive growth experience.
I would encourage each of you to take the time to work on this dimension. It’s hard but when you make the effort to find a deeper level of peace and understanding, you just might open your mind to a multitude of possibilities.