Journey to a HEALTHY life

A colleague posted on Facebook back in December 2016 that she was contemplating her "word of the year". It struck me as something I should to do too. After all, I needed to add something to my already overflowing and fragile plate! It stuck with me for several weeks. There was that nagging awareness of trying to work on my own personal mental health and this might just be something I could wrap my head around. HEALTHY. That was my word. I had turned 50 years old in May of 2016 and was already seeing the dreaded signs of not feeling so young anymore. Hip replacement, being a grandparent, no longer able to party into the night without needing at least three days to recover, kids in college, weight gain and that ever frustrating slowing of the metabolism. HEALTHY was a great word. It would be my focus.

Adding a Fitbit to my wrist (thanks to a gift from my daughter) has been a great reminder to get out there and walk, be a part of nature and take time to think about living life to its fullest. I was, after all, 50 years old now and while that is supposedly the new 30.... I wasn't "feeling" it. I realized that walking and exercise alone (that's what it means to be HEALTHY, right?) wasn't cutting it. I needed more - in ALL aspects of my life. I had become so focused on work (which I love, but there are other things in life besides work) that the rest of me was slowly losing the race. 

Early in January, I re-read the book by Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project (2009). Fabulous book with lots of inspirational ideas for a happier life. While "happy" wasn't my focus word, you do need to be happy in order to be fully HEALTHY. I remember the first time I read her book, I was intrigued with the idea of starting a blog. I didn't follow through the first time, but that is all about to change. Welcome to my new blog! I hope you will find some ideas along the way to help YOU in your pursuit of health and wellness. This blog is a place where I will share my own (or guest bloggers) ideas and resources for living a HEALTHY life. Dr. Bill Hettler, co-founder of the National Wellness Institute (NWI) developed a model of Six Dimensions of Wellness (1976). I love this model because it is a reminder that all areas of our life (work, physical health, social, intellectual, spiritual and emotional) are important and they are all intertwined. Future posts will always center around one or more of the six dimensions. Guest bloggers and ideas for future posts are welcome! Please feel free to email me at with thoughts, ideas and comments!

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